SIRH Nibelis

by NIbelis



Your organization has chosen the new generation SIRH Nibelis? Access your cloud solution now on smartphone and tablet. Employees and managers: find the features dedicated to the management of expense reports and team schedules (absences / holidays and days of presence) via the mobile application Nibelis.ABSENCESAs an employee, check your current entitlement counters, formulate and track your leave requests. Are you a manager? Access features that simplify your daily life by validating your employees absence requests online.PRESENCEAs an employee, easily enter your days of presence and access your history. Are you a manager? Manage more easily the activity of your teams by accessing a simplified monitoring of their schedules.EXPENSEAs an employee, enter your expense claims with ease and track the status of your claims. Are you a manager? Check and validate the costs of your employees, and easily access the supporting documents.COLLECTION AT THE SOURCE AND PROFESSIONAL DOCUMENTSIn this area dedicated to employees, your payslips and all relevant information are available to fully understand your withholding tax (history of amounts withdrawn, rates applied ...). Other documents made available by your company can be consulted in a dedicated section: employment contracts, CVs ...START!The Nibelis application offers an intuitive space for employees and guarantees secure administrative management of their payslips, expense reports, absences and days of presence. Managers benefit from ergonomic tools accessible from any mobile terminal. Simply enter your user codes and enjoy all the benefits of Cloud Nibelis!